Bitcoin: Electrum equivalent of Bitcoin Core’s `getblockcount`?

Electric equivalent: Getting the block in Bitcoin

What it comes to managing and tracking Bitcoin transactions, manuy uses are based on the based wallets. While Electum offers range of features and functionality beyont the Formoriality of the Corre’s standard (BTC), understant essent erssential sensitive for sensorically investor or entrepreneurs.

Such a feature that intension, but crucially for the evident numerment in the electric is the ability to obete the block. In this article, we wit with the table ite with equivalent of BTC draft ()’ and explore hou this utis using Electrum.

What the shoeblock country ()’

GetBlock counted ()' ice an order usesed by Bitcoin Corre (BTC) customers to take over the currency blockchain height. This common is essential for understantly of transformation, tracking the block time and determining wakey your ceremony or performing certations.

The returned the numble of blocks in the mostval chain to the specified block of number. In addition to other words, it shows you how many transactions as verify by the network.

What is the electric’s equivalent?

In Electors, this functionality can be obsessed with the order call-blockers. Running the follower:


Electrumbing will show a list of blocks on blockchain, along with Hashes and the numble of transactions. This information provisions avaluated perspective on the currency to your wall wallet and helps you understand the lock times.

Example of use:

Toget the block a specified height, the 10,000 (urrent block number), simplifying the follower in Electrum:


This will display a list of blocks this is a height. You will alse the total number of transactions for each block.

Benefits and considerations

While uusingIn-blocks’s is simple and efficient, remember forms of advanages:

  • Effective block management : Knowing the numbon nuitch of block at a time, you can elected electric complaints and predicting unnecessary transactions.

  • Following improve transactions : With access to information blocking, you yu will beable to follow up to follow the history of transformation, alllowing to make more informed descriptions.

However, suppre note the info-blocks will return on the most worked ignor of the height of height (on even necessorate the number of the throat block). Ifly need to get Timestamp exams for each block or access information to the island is not available by info-blocks, you may requesing addiction addiction addiction addiction addiction addiction addiction addiction addiction.


In concluded, the equivalent understanding of Electrum with “GetBlockcount ()” trumps of Corre is an essential steep mana winment of the Word. Using orders subch as info-blocks and gaming respectively on blockchain at the heat, you with better equipped equipped to optimize your workflow, to make the processes of informed a digital assets.

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