Checking Ethereum Public Master Balance Address: Guide
As an etherum user, you can find yourself in situations where you need to manage and verffy Although it is possible to manually check the balanc, it is requires to the heret or connection to the blockchain.
What is it necessary?
Ethereum addresses are unques, and each their tersactions and balances. Without it portfolio you!
** thatd -party services for checking
Fortunately, there are several services of those companies that can help in managing and verify the balance of your main. Gere areo selections:
* Etherscan : Etherscan is a poplar platform for discovering and manageing Etherum transactions. Provides the API interface that allows programmers to access information, including the balance.
* Ethereum Explorer
: Ethereum Explorer is an an interface that displays transaction is history and balance for hist.
* Metamask : Metamask is a poplar extension of the Ethereum portfolio and browser, women reals for all accounts.
Using the services of thisd parties to check the balance
To use thees services, you must:
- Access to the API interface or service interface
- Enter youur in a public eddress.
- Wait for data update
Here is an example of using Etherscan without Metamask:
Const Etherscan = requires ("Etherscan-Uap");
Const Metamask = requires ('@Metamask/Web3 Provider');
// configure information the Etherum account
Const Accountaddress = '0x1234567890ABCDEF';
Const provider = new web3.providers.httprovider ('
// Get an-edress balance using Etherscan API
Ethercan.getBalance (Accountaddress, (error, result) => {
if (error) error;
// Print the balance het the console
console.log (result);
Tips and precautions
When use the services of the parties to check
- Be careful wen providing information of your account to the parties.
- Make of you gain is access to a securre connection (HTTPS) to prevent information or manipulation.
- Always use reputable and well -maintained service to avoid safety.
By using itd -party services, souch as Etherscan or Metamask, you can effectively manage and verify the balance of the Master Etherum address.