Ethereum: Why are balances not in the blockchain?

Ethereum: Why Are the Sales Stored On The Blockchain?

Regarding the Management of Assets and Transactions on the Ethereum Network, One Oft Wonders Why the Sales Are Not Stored Directly in The Blockchain. In this article, we will explore the reasons for this design decision and how the inclusion of new sales as well as each transaction can be more effective.

The Current Approach: A Letter Overview

Currently, when a user performs a transaction on the ethereum Network, The Following Occurs:

  • The Sender’s account is Questioned to Recover His Balance.

  • The Sender is then Authorized to Send Ether (ETH) or Other Assets to the Recipient’s Address.

  • Once the transaction has leg processed, The New Balance of the Sender has been updated.

Althegh this approach has its advantages, it also has Certain Disadvantages. Here are some reasons why the sales are not disturbed direct on the blockchain:

  • Evolution: As the Ethereum Network Develops in Terms of Number of Transactions and Users, Storage of Balances Directly in Each Block Can Result of an increase in Processing and Costs.

SAFETY: If an attacher should manipulate the balance of a user’s account, he could potentialy take control of his assets. By malfunction The Blockchain Sales, It Becomes Much More Difficult for An Attacker to Exploit This Vulnerability.

  • Lack of Efficiency: As Mentioned Above, Crossing the Complete Blockchain to Determine the Balance of a User Can Take Time and Expendive.

The Alternative: Including New Sales with Each Transaction

Now Imagine A Scenario Where The Sales Are Stored Directly in Each Block. This is known as “accounting based on blocks”.

This is what would happen:

  • When a transaction is processed, The New Balance of the Sender (Including Transactions or Waiting Costs) is calculated and included in the block.

  • The updated Balance is then Broadcast on All the Nodes of the Network.

This approach has Several Advantages:

  • Improved Scalability: By not having to Question the blockchain for the sales, The Deadlines for Processing Transactions Can Be Considerably Reduced.

  • Improved security: with accounting based on a block, it Becomes Much More Difficult for Attackers to Handle the Balance of a User Without Affecting Other Transactions In The Same Block.

  • Effective use of Network Resources:

    By malfunction The Sales Directly in Each Block, the Network Can Keep the Calculation Resources and Reduce the Amount of Data That Must Be Processed.


AltheHOUG Storage or Blockchain Sales May Seem An Effective Solution, IT is Delivered with Certain Drawbacks. In this article, we explored why the sales are not disturbed directly in The Ethereum Network. However, Considering Alternative Approaches Such as Accounting Based on Blocks, IT Becomes Clear That There Are Means of Improving Scalability, Safety and Efficiency.

While the Ethereum Network Continues to Evolve, IT is Essential for Developers and Users to Remain Informed of the latest Developments and Potential Solutions. Who knows? Perhaps one day, we will see a future where the sales are stored directly in Each Block!

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  • “Ethereum 2.0: What you need to know”

  • “How to use ethereum smart contracts”

  • “The Advantages of Decentralized Finance (Defi) on the Ethereum Network”

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