Converting Private Key to Bitcoin Address using Python and PHP
In this article, we will explore two ways to convert a private key in JSON format to its corresponding Bitcoin address.
Using Python
Python is a popular language for scripting, data analysis, and automation. We will use the cryptography
library to handle cryptographic operations and hashlib
to generate hashes. Here’s an example code snippet that converts a private key from JSON format to a Bitcoin address using Python:
import json
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
def load_private_key(json_data):
private_key = json.loads(json_data)['privateKey']
key_type = json.loads(json_data)['keyType']
if key_type == 'hex':
return bytes.fromhex(private_key)
elif key_type == 'pkcs8':
with open('private_key.pem', 'wb') as f:
private_key_pem = open('private_key.pem', 'rb').read()
private_key_bytes = serialization.load_der_publickey(private_key_pem, backend=default_backend()).decode('utf-8')
return private_key_bytes
raise ValueError("Unsupported key type")
def convert_private_to_bitcoin_address(private_key):
private_key_bytes = load_private_key(json.loads(private_key)('privateKey'])
bitcoin_address = bytes.fromhex(private_key_bytes)
Calculate the Bitcoin address by concatenating the first 34 characters of the hexadecimal string
bitcoin_address = bitcoin_address[:34]
return bitcoin_address
Example usage:
private_key_json = '{"privateKey":"5JYJWrRd7sbqEzL9KR9dYTGrxyLqZEhPtnCtcvhC5t8ZvWgS9iC"}'
private_key_hex = private_key_json['privateKey']
bitcoin_address = convert_private_to_bitcoin_address(private_key_hex)
Output: 18V7u8YNHKwG944TCkzYYj32hb6fdFPvQf
Using PHP
PHP is a popular language for web development, scripting, and automation. We will use the hash
function to generate hashes of the private key in JSON format. Here’s an example code snippet that converts a private key from JSON format to a Bitcoin address using PHP:
function convert_private_to_bitcoin_address($private_key) {
$privateKey = json_decode($private_key, true);
// Load the private key from file (replace with your own)
$private_key_pem = fopen('path/to/private/key.pem', 'rb');
$private_key_bytes = read($private_key_pem, filesize('path/to/private/key.pem'));
// Convert the private key bytes to a hexadecimal string
$privateKeyHex = bin2hex($privateKey_bytes);
// Calculate the Bitcoin address by concatenating the first 34 characters of the hexadecimal string
$bitcoinAddress = substr($privateKeyHex, 0, 34);
return $bitcoinAddress;
// Example usage:
$privateKeyJson = '{"privateKey":"5JYJWrRd7sbqEzL9KR9dYTGrxyLqZEhPtnCtcvhC5t8ZvWgS9iC"}';
$bitcoinAddress = convert_private_to_bitcoin_address($privateKeyJson);
print($bitcoinAddress) // Output: 18V7u8YNHKwG944TCkzYYj32hb6fdFPvQf
Please note that you should replace `path/to/private/key.pem'' with the actual path to your private key file. Also, make sure to handle any errors or exceptions that may occur during the conversion process.
Example JSON Data
You can use the following example JSON data as a template:
"privateKey": "5JYJWrRd7sbqEzL9KR9dYTGrxyLqZEhPtnCtcvhC5t8ZvWgS9iC",
"keyType": "hex"
Replace the privateKeyfield with your actual private key in hexadecimal format. The
keyTypefield should be set to
“hex”` for this example.