Solana: Anchor build error in solana-dapp

SOLANA Anchor Build Error: Troubleshooting Guide

As a Solana developer, it is crucial to ensure that your anchors are built properly and work as expected. However, there have been reports of build errors with some of the latest versions of Anchor. In this article, we will delve into the error message that is thrown by both the Solana CLI and Anchor CLI and explore the possible causes of these issues.

Solana CLI output:

The Solana CLI output shows that the following issues have occurred:

PS D:\coding\solana\voting\anchor> solana --version

solana-cli 2.1.4 (src: 024d047e; feat: 288566304, client: Agave)

PS D:\coding\solana\voting\anchor>

anchor --version

anchor-cli 0.30.1

The output shows that the Solana CLI version is 2.1.4 and the Anchor CLI version is 0.30.1.

Possible causes of build errors:

Based on the output, the possible causes of build errors for the annotation versions are:

  • Anchor CLI configuration issues: The --version command shows that the Anchor CLI was successfully built using the latest version, but some users have reported that they encountered build errors. This indicates that there may be a configuration or compatibility issue between the Solana CLI and the Anchor CLI.
  • Solana CLI version updates:

    The Solana version is 2.1.4, which is relatively new. However, some users have reported issues with earlier versions of the Solana CLI. This indicates that a particular version may be more prone to build errors.

Troubleshooting steps:

To resolve these issues, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the Anchor CLI configuration:

    Solana: Anchor build error in solana-dapp

    Make sure that the --config flag is set correctly when you run anchor --version. You can do this by adding the “–config” flag followed by the path to your Solana CLI configuration file (e.g. “.solanaCliConfig.json”) and running “anchor –version”.

  • Upgrade Solana CLI: If you are using an older version of Solana CLI, consider upgrading to the latest version. You can do this by running “npm install solana-cli@latest” or “yarn add solana-cli@latest” in the root of your project.
  • Check for conflicts between Solana CLI and Anchor CLI: Make sure you are not using any conflicting libraries or packages with Solana CLI and Anchor CLI. You can check the dependencies installed in your project by running “npm list” or “yarn list”.


To sum up, build errors in Anchor versions can be caused by a variety of factors, including configuration issues, version upgrades, or compatibility issues between Solana CLI and Anchor CLI. After following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure that your anchors are building properly.

If you are experiencing persistent build errors, it is recommended that you:

  • Check the Solana CLI documentation for known issues or configuration changes.
  • Contact the Solana community or Anchor Support team for assistance.
  • Consider upgrading your Solana CLI version to a newer version.

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