Solana: anchor test issues

Solana Anchor Testing Issues

The Solana blockchain has been experiencing a number of technical issues, including anchor testing issues that led to errors during testing. One of the most recent examples involves a package-related error that can be frustrating for developers trying to use the latest version of the Solana SDK.

What is anchor testing?

In the context of the Solana blockchain, anchor testing is a crucial step in ensuring the integrity and security of the network. It allows users to verify the solvency (i.e., whether there are sufficient funds in the network) and consistency of parachains (i.e., individual nodes that perform various blockchain tasks).

Error message: Package path ‘./dist/lib/client’ is not defined as ‘exports’ in file /home/anant/code/blockchain/soldev/bootcamp/lendonC/node_modules/…

The error message provided indicates a package-related issue where the specified directory `./dist/lib/client’ does not match variables exported from another package. This can be caused by a number of factors, including changes to the package’s configurations or dependencies.

Cause and Effect:

The Solana project team acknowledged this error as part of their ongoing efforts to improve blockchain testing and deployment processes. The error message provides a detailed description of what is happening:

– “./dist/lib/client”: This indicates that there may be a problem compiling or exporting Solana’s internal libraries (i.e. the Node.js module).

– “not set ‘export'”: This indicates that the error occurred because the specified package does not export, i.e. it does not provide anything to other packages.


To fix this issue, developers need to identify the cause and fix it. Here are some steps they can take:

  • Check package configurations:

    Solana: anchor test issues

    Make sure all package configurations are updated with the latest dependencies.

  • Update dependencies:

    If necessary, update dependencies in other packages participating in the shared testing process.


The Solana team recommends using the “–no-fallback” option when running tests and verifying that the internal state of the node matches what it should be. They also recommend using linters and code formatting to identify potential issues before they become problems during the testing and deployment processes.

For further troubleshooting, developers may want to:

Use Solana CLI: The Solana command line tool is the recommended way to manage dependencies in both development and production environments.

Check Node.js version and dependencies: Make sure that the node.js version and all required packages are up to date.


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