Ethereum: Why do prices of all cryptocurrencies move in sync? [closed]

Understand the movement of cryptocurrency prices: because they move together

The cryptocurrency market has attracted significant attention in recent years, with many investors trying to capitalize on the potential of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, a often careless aspect is the way in which these prices interact with each other: why do they move together? In this article, we will deepen the reasons behind the synchronized price movements of all cryptocurrencies.

The Bitcoin-Básis effect

A key driver of the synchronized cryptocurrency price movement is the concept known as “bitcoin base effect” or simply “basic effect”. This phenomenon increases when investors and merchants react to Bitcoin price variations with a corresponding reaction in other cryptocurrencies, creating a self -control feedback circuit. When Bitcoin increases or falls, it tends to attract the attention of merchants and investors trying to benefit from their possible profits or losses.

This effect is not unique for Bitcoin; Many other cryptocurrencies show similar behaviors when they move together with the largest. For example, when the price of Bitcoin increases significantly, other currencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin and Monero tend to follow the example, since their prices are often related to those of Bitcoin.

Reasons behind the synchronized price movement

So what does this synchronized movement lead? There are several reasons:

  • Market psychology : investors and merchants have an intrinsic tendency to emotionally react to price movements in cryptocurrencies. When Bitcoin experiences a significant gain or loss, it can create fear or emotion among investors, which leads them to seek diversification and invest in other cryptocurrencies.

  • Risk aversion : The cryptocurrency market is intrinsically volatile, with prices that flow rapidly due to several factors such as regulatory changes, safety violations and changes in the feeling of the market. This volatility creates a sense of risk aversion among investors, which could be more likely to assign their investments to safer activities such as Bitcoin.

  • Competition and comparison

    : In the highly competitive cryptocurrency panorama today, investors often compare prices between different currencies. When a currency increases or decreases significantly compared to another, it can create a lack of correspondence of the perceived value, which leads some investors to seek the submarine currency as an alternative investment opportunity.

  • Lack of diversification : Many investors and merchants focus exclusively on bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, neglecting the importance of diversification. This limited perspective can lead them to neglect potential opportunities in other currencies, with the consequent lack of general reprimand.

A note warned

While the synchronized price movement of all cryptocurrencies is often mentioned as an interesting feature for investors, it is essential to remember that this phenomenon also has its disadvantages. Excessive ESFASI in Bitcoin and other large capitalization currencies can lead to:

  • Over-resto

    : Investors can focus too much on bitcoin or other large capitalization currencies, neglecting the potential benefits of the smallest or medium level cryptocurrencies.



The synchronized price movement of all cryptocurrencies is a complex phenomenon guided by market psychology, from risk aversion, competition and comparison. Although it is essential to understand these factors, investors should also consider possible disadvantages of overload in large capitalization currencies. By diversifying their wallets and maintaining a balanced approach, investors can minimize the risks associated with this synchronized market movement.

Investment advice


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