Solana: Signature verification failed. Missing signature for public key(s) [key1, key2] in jest test using anchor

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Solana: Signature verification failed. Missing signature for public key(s) [key1, key2] in jest test using anchor

Verification of the Solana signature failed: a guide to solve the problem in the joke tests using the anchor


Solana is a fast and scalable blockchain platform that allows developers to quickly create decentralized applications (DAPP). However, like any other blockchain, it is based on signatures to verify transactions and maintain the integrity of the network. In this article, we will explore why the signature verification failed in our joke tests using anchor and provide steps to solve the problem.

What was the verification of the signature failed:

A signature verification failure occurs when a test tries to sign a transaction but fails to obtain the required signature for the public keys (s) during verification. This can happen for various reasons such as:

  • Missing signatures (also called “missing signatories”)

  • Incorrect private keys

  • Problems of private keys

Example of a joke test:

Let’s take a look at an example of how we could test this scenario using joke and anchor:


Import {anchorcontract} of '@ coral -xxz / anchor';

Import {Program} of '@ coral -xyz / anchor';

Import {Royalynft} de '../target/types/royyty_nft';

Constuct = New Anchorcontract (Royaltynft);

Describe ('signature verification failed', () => {

He ('should launch an error when missing signatures are present', async () => {

// Create a test account with a public key

Const publickey1 = '0x1234567890abcdef1234def567890abfedcba';

Const PrivateKey1 = '0x ...'; // replaced with the real private key

// create another test account with an additional public key

Const publickey2 = '0x ...'; // replaced with the real private key

to try {

Wait for the.SignPublicKey contract (


PrivateKey1, // Correct signature for public key 1


PrivateKey2 // Missing signature for public key 2


Start a new error ("expected error");

} Catch (error) {

wait (error.sessage) .Tobe ("missing signatures for the public keys");





In this example, we create two test accounts with different public keys. We then try to sign a transaction using the first public key, but fail due to missing signatures. The investigation "Expect" checks that an error message is launched indicating that the signatures are lacking for the second public key.

Fixing the signature verification failed in the joke tests:

To resolve this problem, you can follow these steps:

  • Check the private keys : Make sure your test accounts have correct private keys.

  • ** Update the SignPublicKey Function: Modify the SignPublicKey ‘function to accept a public keys to signatures and an additional parameter for missing signatures.

  • Add a management of errors

    : Wrap the call SignPublicKey '' in a test block to catch all the errors that can be launched due to missing signatures.

Here is an updated example:

` Javascript

Import {anchorcontract} of ‘@ coral -xxz / anchor’;

Import {Program} of ‘@ coral -xyz / anchor’;

Import {Royalynft} de ‘../target/types/royyty_nft’;

Constuct = New Anchorcontract (Royaltynft);

Describe (‘signature verification failed’, () => {

He (‘should launch an error when missing signatures are present’, async () => {

// Create a test account with a public key

Const publickey1 = ‘0x1234567890abcdef1234def567890abfedcba’;

Const PrivateKey1 = ‘0x …’; // replaced with the real private key

to try {

wait for the contract.

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