Metamask: Metamask installed in browse chrome but when I check in console window.ethereum it respond undefined

Installation Metamask Failed: Insufficient Ethereum Ether

Infina in your browser, one of the most common problems that have occurred “when you try to access” Eshers “. This error usually arises as a result of an invironment or configuration.

Provider of Ethereum in the browser.

Understanding the Problem

Processes console.log. When

Problem with Metamask

Metamask, a popular Ethereum Wallet provider, is designed to be used as a contract provider to deploy. When using the “Metamask-Inkcult” with Infura, it puts a contractual instance in the browser context. However, if

Steps to Troubleshoot

In the Console Diary Command:

Step 1: Verify Metamask Installation

First, make your metamask installation is correct. .

Step 2: Configure Infa Provider



Constrate providers = {

Infura: {

Apikey: “Your API Infra Key”,

Network: “RINKEBY”



// Using the Injector to Deploy The Contract and Connect It By Injecting Metamascus

Injector.deploy (






Step 3: Check the Ethers Module Initialization

Check that you are properly initialing the etters' module. Here is an example of how to do this:


// After setting up Metamascus Injection, Make Sure The Ets Are Properly Initialized

Constants = Require (“ETS”);

// Example of the Introduction and Initialization of the Contract

Const mycontract = artifacts.require (“mycontract”);

Contract (“My Contract”, Function (Accounts) {

It (‘Should Deploy and Initialize the Contract’, async () => {

Const nopyedcontract = wait mycontract.deployed ();

Console.log (contract deployed to $ {deployedcontract.address);

// ensure that the ether module is correctly initialized correctly

Console.log (eéters);

// You can now use the Deployed Instance of the Contract



Step 4: Update Metamask Injection Configuration

“Metamask-Injection” Points to the Correct Ethereum Network (EG RINKEBY):


Constrate providers = {

Infura: {

Apikey: “Your API Infra Key”,

Network: “RINKEBY”



// Using the Injector to Deploy The Contract and Connect It By Injecting Metamascus

Injector.deploy (






Step 5: Verification of Module Initialization Ethers After Deployment

Finally, verify that your deployed instant of the contract was properly initialized after deployment:


// Example of the Introduction and Initialization of the Contract

Const mycontract = artifacts.

Bitcoin Bitcoin Unencrypted

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